When you expand a primary source, you use headnotes and the indexing systems of Westlaw or Lexis to find additional primary sources that are related to your original primary source.
Expanding a primary source on Westlaw or Lexis uses:
Because headnotes:
In Westlaw, attorney-editors examine a case, then write the headnotes for that case, although headnote language typically tracks the court's opinion.
Example: Headnote 11 in Roe v. Wade states "Where certain fundamental rights are involved, regulation limiting these rights may be justified only by a compelling state interest and the legislative enactments must be narrowly drawn to express only legitimate state interests at stake."
In Lexis, attorney-editors pull language directly from a case to create a headnote for that case.
Example: Headnote 5 in Roe v. Wade states: "The United States Constitution does not explicitly mention any right of privacy. A right of personal privacy, or a guarantee of certain areas or zones of privacy, however, does exist under the United States Constitution."
Westlaw began indexing case law concepts in the late nineteenth century, resulting in what is now the West Topic and KeyNumber system. In the West system, Topics constitute large areas of law, such as Constitutional Law. Within each topic, discrete legal concepts are identified, then assigned a number. Most topics contain several subtopics, which allows a researcher to drill down through the system to identify the most relevant KeyNumber.
Example: West’s Key Number Constitutional Law 92k1053, Strict or Heightened Scrutiny: Compelling Interest, will pull all cases that West’s editors have identified as containing that discrete legal concept. The path to that Key Number is Constitutional Law > Constitutional Rights, in General,> In General > Strict or Heightened Scrutiny: Compelling Interest.
Lexis has a similar system, but it is not as sophisticated as Westlaw's. Lexis calls it the Topic System.
Example: Lexis's Topic Constitutional Law > Substantive Due Process > Privacy > General Overview will pull all cases that Lexis has determined fall within that specific legal concept.
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