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Levin College of Law

1L Guide

1L Resources- An introduction to the Legal Information Center and its resources

Using Study Aids

Study aids are a way to supplement what you learn from reading the casebook, attending class lectures, and synthesizing information through outlining. Study aids help explain legal concepts. In some cases, study aids are keyed to specific casebooks making it easy to cross-reference between your text and your study aid. These range from relatively basic flashcards to very detailed hornbooks. Many of our study aids are available through West Academic Study Aids and Aspen Publishing Learning Library, which means you can get a good sense of how a series is structured and find one that suits your needs, whether that's a narrative summary, an outline, or sample exam questions from which to practice your recall. Some professors make a specific recommendation for a supplemental text, and our legal research faculty are happy to help you find a study aid if you have questions!

Remember, when it comes to study aids, that nothing is as good as reading the casebook, attending class, and taking time to outline and synthesize what you learned. If you do want to supplement with study aids, one is probably sufficient for each class. Any more than that and you'll spend a lot of valuable time reading study aids and may become confused when they present information differently.

For more information about the types of study aids available and digital access to our study aid databases, see our Study Aids Guide at