International (public) law is the law governing relationships between countries, international organizations, individuals who invoke human rights or commit war crime violations, or any combination of those parties. Disputes in international (public) law are often solved via international diplomacy and/or litigation in an international tribunal.
There are thousands of legal articles on the subjects of public and private international law and these articles are published in a variety of legal journals. For a few journals on international law, see below. For additional articles on public and/or private international law, search HeinOnline, WestlawNext, Lexis Advance and/or Kluwer Arbitration.
Check out the websites of international courts and tribunals for information about their jurisdiction and their case decisions. The following are a few examples, but Harvard provides much more.
University of Florida Levin College of Law
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PO Box 117620
Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 273-0804
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