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Federal Legislative History: Congressional Resolutions

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House Joint Resolutions (H.J. Res.) and Senate Joint Resolutions (S.J. Res.) require the approval of both chambers and the signature of the President. Joint resolutions generally are used for limited matters, such as a single appropriation for a specific purpose and to propose amendments to the Constitution.

House Concurrent Resolutions (H. Con. Res.) and Senate Concurrent Resolutions (S. Con. Res.) require the approval of both chambers but do not require the signature of the President and do not have the force of law. Concurrent resolutions generally are used to make or amend rules that apply to both chambers.

House Simple Resolutions (H. Res.) and Senate Simple Resolutions (S. Res.) address matters entirely within the prerogative of one chamber or the other. They do not require the approval of the other chamber or the signature of the President, and they do not have the force of law.

Source: FDsys

Locating Resolutions (Online)


FDsys 103rd Congress (1993) - Open Access
Thomas 101st Congress (1989) - Open Access  
Proquest Congressional 1789 - Special Restrictions
WestlawNext 104th Congress - Special Restrictions
Lexis Advance   Special Restrictions


Locating Resolutions in Microfiche at the Legal Information Center

CIS     76th Congress - 107th Congress Cabinets 23-24


House Resolution